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联系人:李经理 先生 (经理)
电 话:0531-66729379
手 机:15689730223





  The fourth step: the cleaning of the chair.


  1. seating of fabric fabric: the chair of clean flannelette or other fabric must be careful. The high efficiency foam cleaning liquid is sprayed to the dirty place. Stay for a moment. After the foam is completely dry, clean it with clean dry towel repeatedly until the stain is removed.


  2. leather chair: usually, when cleaning, we can use strong alkaline cleaning agent, such as soap water, and dry with cotton paper towel after washing. However, due to frequent washes of leather and dermis on leather chairs, it will cause cracks and affect the service life. Therefore, it is suggested that owners can purchase specialized cleaning products, such as dermal ointment and leather cleaning agent, for cleaning care

李经理 先生 (经理)  
电  话: 0531-66729379
传  真: 0531-66729379
移动电话: 15689730223
公司地址: 中国山东济南市济南全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城4排15、16号,北排12号
邮  编: 250000
公司主页: http://sdjnltqf.qy6.com.cn(加入收藏)

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济南市历城区陆安汽车服务中心 公司地址:中国山东济南市济南全福立交桥东100米路北(工业北路301号)通运汽配城4排15、16号,北排12号
李经理 先生 (经理) 电话:0531-66729379 传真:0531-66729379
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