There is no authoritative opinion about the service life of tires. Generally speaking, tire companies recommend that they use 3~5 years and replace them according to wear degree during their useful life. But there are many owners who only drive in a flat city. They run too far each year. The wear of the tires is relatively small. It really goes to the tread pattern to wear the change. 7 or 8 years later. In contrast, some of the drivers who often run long distance or big trucks wear tire very seriously. Sometimes they do not need to change in 3 years.
In the face of all kinds of driving situations, the depth of tire tread is the direct judgement basis for judging whether the tire needs to be replaced. The tread depth of the tire must be more than 1.6 millimeters, and the tread depth will be constantly shallower in the use of the tire, and the friction force of the grip is also decreased. When the depth is below 1.6 millimeter, it is not only the risk of driving when driving, but also easier to produce a blowout during the brake turn.
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